FRM Blog

Get inside the minds and happenings of Front Range Media. From behind the scenes videos and photos, to the gear we use, we’ll keep you up to date on how we get our work done.

Monday Links

Happy “Smunday!” Whether your team won, lost, or wasn’t even playing last night, here are a few links to get you through this Monday after the Superbowl!

Here are a few of our favorite super bowl ads from last night

Have you ever wanted to see snow in the desert? These magnificent photos show the rare snowfall that happened in early Jan

The national parks’ iconic font found on their signs, has now been digitized

This compact dishwasher made for tiny homes can wash your dishes in just 10 minutes

Monday Links

Happy Monday! Here are a few links to help get your week off to a great start!

Niagra Falls has frozen over, and these images of the falls will leave you speechless.

If you have ever wanted to live in Italy, now might be your time! Airbnb will pay a few lucky people to live in Italy for three months!

Here is some igloo inspired architecture that will make you want to visit Lapland, Finland very soon.

Monday Links

It’s that time of the week where we post our favorite links for you all to explore and pass the time this Monday!

This solar powered hotel is designed to pop up anywhere on land or at sea.

We are still a bit confused at how this egg got so much attention, but in case you were hiding under a rock last week, take a look at the egg that broke the internet

If you are ever in the Canary islands, you have to visit popcorn bay! The coral mixed with sand and volcanic ash make the beach look like it is covered in popcorn.

Take a look at some of the coolest ideas from CES 2019

Monday Links


Walking into Monday like…


Umm yeah, we landed on Mars, and we think it is pretty damn cool!


Watch: This video will show you how cinematography is revolutionizing television.


It’s the Holiday season and if your family is at all like mine, they tell lots of stories! NY Times has a few ideas on how to keep a record of these stories and create your family tree.


Airbnb has a new initiative that will have them designing houses next year!

Monday Links


We know it’s Thanksgiving this week and yes, we are waiting patiently for Thursday! Here are a few links to pass some time while you are dreaming about Turkey.


Drool over this Thanksgiving dinner reimagined as ice cream!


Cool new products that you can’t buy yet, but we are pretty darn sure you will want them as soon as they are available.


This may be the funkiest staircase you have ever seen, and it was designed for a great cause!


Do you look like your dog? This newly released game will have you on the floor laughing by matching dogs to their human doppelgangers.


Also, I really love elephants, and this new Dumbo trailer is amazing.

Monday Links



It’s Monday, pour yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy our favorite links for the week!


These out-of-this-world photographs will leave you in awe. We also think that our photographer/videographer Dion Dolva belongs on this list – Check it out here.


The Rockettes have added mini-drones that light up into the finale of their holiday show, and it will blow you away!


This company created a kit which allows children to turn everyday items into toys…because, who hasn’t played with a Tupperware full of rocks.


We know it’s not always about the gear, but HOLY CRAP check out all of the camera gear on this wall at the International Space Station!

Monday Links

Happy Monday! If you are looking for some inspiration this week check out the links below. We found a new drone pilot training class that will have you flying your own drone like a pro in no time!


Tired of camping on the cold ground? This suspended tent might just be the answer!


Netflix has a new announcement!


Check out this 3D printed bridge that can hold over 30 people.


Have a laugh at these comedy wildlife photographs.


DJI has introduced a way to get better with your drone, while not worrying about flying into a pole or a tree or a building or, well, you get the point.

Monday Links


It’s been a couple of weeks since we posted our Monday link round-up. I’ve wrangled up a few good ones this week to make up for the missing prior weeks. Enjoy.
A good Time-Lapse is impressive. One of an object (earth) from a million miles away is even more impressive-er.
Some absolutely stunning drone photography.
While we’re on the topic of drones…
Study guide for the FAA drone test.
Testing locations.
Nike, always delivering on inspiration.
Turns out you don’t have to scream down the side of a cliff to make an awe inspiring GoPro video. Swimming alongside of whale sharks works just fine too. Fantastic.
“Dark Side of The Lens” Beautifully done video about photography and the love of your craft.